
2nd Chronicles 7:14
The Moderator of the Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association is asking all followers of Jesus Christ to go into prayer every day starting on March 16th at 12:00 noon as we deal with various challenges in our country.

Pray at home
Pray at your job
Pray at church
Pray wherever you are

Let's come together and PRAY

Church Registration

Get In Touch

Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association

908 West Avenue
Jenkintown, PA  
t. (215) 886-2327

What We Offer

The following services are offered to strengthen churches and leaders: Catechism, Assistance to Churches without Pastors, Ordination Preparation and Examinations, Baptist Training Institute, Church Crisis Intervention,  Pastor's Emergency Fund, Church Development Conference, Confidential Counseling Ministry for Pastoral Families, Formal Welcoming of New Pastors, Church/ Pastor Technology Workshops, and Mentoring of Younger Pastors by Senior Pastors.