Our Ministries

This is where you’ll find information about all the awesome ministries available at Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association. If you see this page and it hasn't been updated, a gentle reminder to the staff at Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association is in order. Let them know you want to learn more about what is happening at Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association and how you can get involved.

Laymen MinistryLaymen Ministry
The Pennsylvania Eastern Keystone Baptist Association Mission is to inspire men to support the total program of the Church in the local congregation, the community and the world. We strive to enlist un-churched men for fellowship in and service through the church and to bring unsaved men into vital relations with God in Christ through personal commitment to Him. To build a Christian life of laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service, moreover, to enlist and coordinate the ... more

Women's MinistryWomen's Ministry
Jesus said to them again,"Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." John 20:21 Great Woman of God.... Ready to be the Mission, Work the Mandate and Spread the Message of Jesus Christ #So send I you. Our Vision We desire to encourage every woman to know and to grow in the knowledge and love of God. We also encourage every woman to use her gifts in service, to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom with intentionality and a strong ... more

Youth MinistryYouth Ministry
“WE ARE ONE” PEKBA’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry will focus on empowering the youth and youth leaders of today to strive to become better followers of Christ. PEKBA YYAM will provide purposeful workshops, fellowships and outreach projects to strengthen the believer in making wise every day decisions through an enriched comprehension of the biblical responsibilities as a Christian outlined in Isaiah 61 and Matthew 25. BUILD PEKBA’S YOUTH ... more